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ObrazekOur team will never be complete, it will never be the same. Our friend David Stein, the strongest link in our chain, passed away on November 21, 2007, following a sudden illness. His toughest fight ended at 8.10am. During his last days, his father, mother, family and friends kept vigil by his bed side. Although he was one of our best competitors, with these unfair rules he could not win. It comfort us greatly that he left in the stage in his life when he was truly happy and loved.

David, on your last trip you'll be guided by the strength of all of us. Since today, your new master will be General Choi. You were always there when needed, a fantastic friend that would never spoil any fun, a modest champion and loving son. We are proud of you and we'll meet you again one day.

1st Round of Czech National League

On Saturday October 13th, 2007 a new season 2007- 2008 was opened by a first round of Czech National Taekwon-Do League.
As in the past years, we have met again in Mlada Boleslav in Kobukson club of Mr. Jan Gavora.

For the first time we have welcome more than one hundred participants in the first round. This promises tough competition in the final rounds, as the scores are quite on par. Special ObrazekTechniques and Model Sparring have stirred up the point scores considerably as they have been for the first time counted towards the overall year-long league score.

Along with the tradition, the competition registration started at 8:00 a.m. followed by a couch meeting at 9:45 a.m. This time the meeting was quite informal as all the refrees have been put through refree training just a weekend before. The competition itself began at 10:00 a.m. with the children categories. For the first time these categories were quite full and so it took four bouts to get ahead from the basic group to the pyramid (e.g. one bout Obrazekbetween each two members of the basic group) and than further on through the pyramid to the medals, which were thus well-earned.

After the lunch we have seen the categories of Special Techniques followed by Model Sparring. The medals in both of them were quite a surprise for us. The champion of Special Techniques was the instructor of club in Pribram Stanislav Hlinka. Even greater surprise was the victory of Nikola Telvakova and Jakub Vana from Ricany in Model Sparring. They have defeated the clear favorites Pavel Kupr and Kamil Kolofik who have not lost a single bout in the whole last season. Nikola and Jakub had a head of just a single point.

Children category was a domination of Fight Club from Ceske Budejovice. We have Obrazekbeen surprised by the victory of Jana Esnerova from Brandys in female children category. This young lady has been present only on final two rounds of the league last year and in this tough competition she has not lost a single point. We had the honor to shake hand and give a gold medal once again to the last year winner Denisa Ryznerova from home club of Mlada Boleslav. Very nice and eagerly anticipated bouts were also seen in the juniors category, especially in the form of bouts of Jana Kovarova from Brandys nad Labem, who took the gold medal without loosing a single point. Thanks to this great Obrazekresult she can think of being nominated to the upcoming European Championship in Wroclav.

We have witnessed some very nice almost "exhibition" bouts in the children category, where Martin Marsalek from Ceske Budejovice had the prime. In the juniors category, bouts of Marcel Salay from the home club of Mlada Boleslav were quite spectacular. In the senior category the bouts of Pavel Kupr in up to 72 kg were also very nice. A true exhibition in the heaviest category was the performance of Michal Novak from Ceske Budejovice, a fresh Champion of Czech Open. Quite nice were the bouts where he stood agains David Mondschein, who had 10 kg weight advantage.

As the most succesful competitors were declared Jana Esnerova from Brandys in theObrazek children, Nikola Telvakova from Ricany in the juniors and Pavel Kupr from Podebrady in the seniors.

We would like to thank the organizer Mr. Jan Gavora, instructor of club in Mlada Boleslav for great support ranging from new hall and rings to the snacks and accomodation. A great part of the success of this round goes to the Sports Comittee Viktor Stein, Lenka Javurkova and Jana Marsikova. Also thanks to all the refrees. Here we could see a great step forward, as none of the four rings was idle even for a second for the whole 7 hours, in which we have managed to run 42 categories with 105 competitors in the group system (e.g. one meets all the competitors in his group). We have also welcome new center refrees with a valid national licence - Martin Jaros from Strancice club, Pavel Cigan, the instructor in Cebin and Bystrice and Lukas Zajicek, instructor in Jindrichuv Hradec and Filip Jelinek from Ricany. Also big thanks to the "old" referee team.

Second round is planned for February 2008 and we are still searching for the organizer. One of the candidates is the Fight Club in Borovany, which has organized another national event previously this year.



Kwang Gae Říčany,
Kwang Gae Brandýs n/L
Kwang Gae Poděbrady - Pečky
TKD Kunice
TKD Jindřichův Hradec
Kobukson Mladá Boleslav
TKD Stránčice
ATK Příbram
Fight Club České Budějovice
Fight Club Borovany
Fight Club Suché Vrbné
TJ Sokol Milovice ( only delegates )


TJ Sokol Čebín
TJ Sokol Bystřice pod Pernštejne, ( only delegates )


ObrazekMonday morrning 22. 10. 2007. Thanks to big job of Mrs. Hana Křížová we have to chance to take part in the project " Drugs out" . Seven members of CzNTU meet hundreds of childrens to perform great demonstration and to speak about prevention of alcoholism and drugs.

ObrazekWe will bring you report as soon as is possible.

This event was held also in the Prague - Vinoř, Zápy and the Brandýs n/L










We have a new club in Jindrichuv Hradec!

ObrazekOnce again we bring great news showcasing the advances CzNUT is making every day. A new Taekwon-Do ITF club has been founded in the county of Southern Bohemia. Former assistant instructor of Kwang Gae school in Brandys nad Labem and member of Czech National Team Lukas Zajicek founded together with CzNUT and South Bohemian clubs led by Michal Novak (also a Czech National Team member) a new Taekwon-DO ITF club. We would like to express our full support to this new club and wish it all the best in its future work for the official Taekwon-Do ITF in Czech Republic.


ObrazekNew "Drugs out!" project initiated by Taekwon-Do club in Pecky

We are very proud to announce a new preventive program "Drugs out!" running in the Podebrady region, which has been initiated by the Taekwon-Do club in Pecky. Demonstrations, chats and briefings including distribution of flyers targeted at the prevention of alcoholism and drug dependence are now on weekly schedule of all the members of Taekwon-Do club in Pecky and Podebrady. The aim of this project is to use the sport and art of self-defence as a driving power in prevention of drug and alcohol abuse phenomena, which is spreading more and more among the pupils at the Institutions of Elementary Education. All the club members and members of Czech National Team take part in the demonstrations, chats and briefings. We support this effort by all means and hope more clubs get on board in this beneficial effort. We express our sincere thanks for a great work to the coordinator of this project and also a member of Czech National Team Hana Krizova.

New Clubs

A new Taekwon-Do ITF club has been founded in the county of Southern Moravia. Former assistant instructor Pavel Cigáň  founded together with CzNUT  a new Taekwon-DO ITF club in the Bystřice pod Pernštejnem city. We would like to express our full support to this new club and wish it all the best in its future work for the official Taekwon-Do ITF in Czech Republic

With Pleasure

A new club has been founded in county of Middle Bohemia. Mrs. Mgr. Ludmila Gerlichová founded a new Club in the Milovice city. We wish to Mrs. Gerlichová lot of luck and success. We would like to express our full support to this new club in Middle Bohemia. 

 12th International Taekwon-Do Summer Camp 2007

ObrazekThis year 150 participants from nine clubs all over the Czech Republic
and three clubs from two other states were training under the
supervision of two international instructors and eight instructors. This
year we have met for twelfth time in Zbraslavice, being supported by the
County of Central Bohemia, City of Ricany and City of Brandys nad Labem.
ObrazekOnce again this year we have come up with something new. First of all it
was a great team of skilled couches and assistants and a rich supporting
program. As is standard at our camps, we had two trainings a day led by
international instructors and a third training supervised by the couches
of National Teams from Czech Republic, Slovenia and Bosnia. All of it Obrazek
was of course accompanied by individual trainings with all the
instructors and assistants.

The accompanying program featured two evenings with the folk music group
of Mr. Frantisek Nedved, overnight adventure game, Tekken game
Obrazekcompetition, special party with dancing exhibition, vampire ball,
journey to Prague including a boat trip, sight-seeing flights, trip to
Zbraslavicce, campfires with guitar music and barbecue, sauna,
exhibition of Prison Service whippers, numerous children contests and
fairy tale reading and of course two Taekwon-Do competitions, tests for Obrazek
higher degrees and Taekwon-Do exhibition.

However not only the accompanying program was highly interesting and
innovative, the same hold for Taekwon-Do trainings. The 12th
International Summer Camp came right after ObrazekTaekwon-Do Camp in Pula,
Croatia, which had been organized by Slovenian Taekwon-Do Club Tiger of
Mr. Mohamed Baltic. The trainings there took place both at a seaside
resort and at a special Taekwon-Do training hall of Mr. Edi Viskovic. Obrazek
The Slovenian Camp ended on Sunday 1st of July, exactly the day the
Summer Camp was about to begin. All the instructors managed to move the
nine hundred kilometres from Pula to Zbraslavice and so the newest
training methods, corrected techniques, methods of sport sparring
Obrazektraining, development of explosive power and speed and more could be
presented in unison both in Slovenia and Czech Republic, benefiting
greatly all the participants. Moreover once again we had a chance to
peep into the new techniques of short-distance fight and Kickbox Aerobic
with instructor Agim Murtic from Bosnia.Obrazek

The assistants were on duty 24/7 as all the participant took the
advantage of personal trainings, be it for the degree and dan tests
ranging from 9th Kup to 3rd Dan or for the upcoming competition.
The final farewell was again full of emotions and soon-to-meet promises.
Thanks goes also to the great stuff on the site - especially to the
chief operatives Jirka and Jana and chefs Libor and Jirka. Even now we
know all the promises will not come in vain, as we hope to meet all the
participants at the upcoming Summer Camp of Fight Club Ceske Budejovice
or at an outstanding International Camp in Velika Kladusa in Bosnia.

All the great moments are captured on our website in the Gallery section
and more images come every day:


List of participating clubs:

1. Škola Taekwon-Do Kwang Gae Říčany
2. Škola Taekwon-Do Kwang Gae Brandýs n/L
3. Škola Taekwon-Do Kwang Gae Poděbrady
4. Oddíl Taekwon-Do Kunice
5. Škola Taekwon-Do Stránčice
6. ATK Příbram
7. Kobukson Mladá Boleslav
8. Fight Club Č. Budějovice
9. TKD Sokol Čebín

International clubs:

1. Taekwon-Do Club Tiger Ljubljana Slovinsko
2. Taekwon-Do Club Tiger Jesenice Slovinsko
3. TKD Club Hwarang Cazin Bosna

Finals of the Czech National Taekwon-Do League 2006 - 2007

ObrazekOn 26.5.2007 took place a fourth and final round of Czech National
Taekwon-Do ITF League. This time all the 90 competitors from Central and
South Bohemia, Moravia and Slovakia met in Brandys nad Labem.
Final results have already been made public on the Czech National
Taekwon-Do Union website and so let us mainly emphasize the names of
overall winners - holders of the title Champion of Czech National League
2006 -2007.

In the children female category the trophy and title goes to Denisa
Ryznerova from Mlada Boleslav while children male winner was Milan Zach
from Ceske Budejovice. In the female junior category triumphed Katerina
Splavcova from Ricany and in junior male Michal Machota once again
defended his title. No surprise at all are also the winners in senior
categories: Pavel Kupr in the male and Hana Krizova in the female
category. Overall winning club is Taekwon-Do ITF Kwang Gae Ricany.

A phenomenon in the children categories for this year were the
competitors from Ceske Budejovice. Six out of ten in the first ten
places speak for all. Also quite interesting is the result in the senior
female category. First three places were taken by competitors from
different countries. The winner was Hana Krizova from Czech Republic,
silver went to Lucie Korytarova from Slovakia and bronze was taken by
Yekaterina Smirnova from Latvia. Also thrilling was the competition in
the children female category. Denisa Ryznerova had a head of only a
single point to Natalka Niznikova from Ricany. Even more, both these
girls have also the same weight category in sparring, so their bout in
the last round was also a bout for the overall winner title. Denisa did
a very good job there and clearly won it. Neglible point difference was
also in the junior female category, where Katerina Splavcova won by only
four points and defeated her club-mate Nikola Telvakova from Ricany.

An important role this year also played the model sparring category.
Though often condemned by many at the start of this season, we had
competitors in this category from well over the half of all
participating clubs in the last round.

This year the League has once again made a step forward. This was
enabled by the growing realization team and the number of participants.
A new club from Cebin started to participate regularly this year and we
also warmly welcomed clubs from Slovakia, namely Ge Baek and Drako
Smolenice. We had a great participation in the third round, where
Latvian Federation and Taekwon-Do Tiger Ljubljana from Slovenia were
present. We would like to thank to the cities and sponsors supporting
the league. Especially the County of Central Bohemia, city of Ricany,
city of Brandys, city of Pecky and all other sponsor and organizers of
all the respective rounds.

We sincerely congratulate to all the new winners and all other
participants and we wish them all good luck in the new upcoming season

ObrazekBest of the Best 2007
The most prestigious and awaited competition of the Czech National
Taekwon-Do Union Best of the Best has once again been hosted by the city
of Ricany. This year it was for the fourth time and we could give a warm
welcome to 160 competitors from four countries - Czech Republic,
Slovenia, Bosnia and Latvia. Due to a generous support from the city of
Ricany and all other sponsors, we were able to move the competition yet Obrazek
another step further. For the competitors from 15 clubs we had prepared
new prices, new competition setup, new gifts from sponsors and rich
accompanying program.

The competition was declared open at 10 AM by the Major of City of
Ricany, Ing. Adriena Mrazova. The first two hours have seen all the
pattern categories, from children to seniors and after the lunch the
Obrazekcompetition continued with model sparring and special techniques and
also the prestigious sparring category was held on the central ring.
Most of the bouts showcased nearly equal performance from both
competitors and so we could see great fights not only in the categories
of experienced senior fighters, but also in the children and junior
categories. As by the rule, we could see great performance by the
members of the National Team - David Stein, Pavel Kupr, Hana Krizova and Obrazek
Michal Novak. Individual categories were interleaved with accompanying
program of dancing, aerobic and freestyle. Thanks to members of the
Dance Studio of Edita Broukalova the competitors had a chance to see
great performance by great girls and touch the spirit of Turkey at the
belly dance performance by Scarletta Jelinkova. A great applause
rewarded great aerobic performance in the style of "Sister Act" movie by
Cragi Group from Usti nad Labem.

ObrazekA number of VIP persons from the social life not only from our city came
to participate on this great event. This year the medal awarding was
performed by Josef Mlady and the founder of Taekwon-Do in Czech Republic
Miroslav Galbac and all of them had an opportunity to meet at a special
VIP meeting in Point Club.

The winner of the Best of the Best Pattern Category for this year was
Vladimir Belhac from So San Znojmo who took over the trophy from last Obrazek
year winner Hana Krizova and the year-before winner Michal Machota. The
Best of the Best Sparring without weight limits was for the third time
in row dominated by the Bosnian professional champion Agim "Dino"
Murtic. However this year he had formidable opponents in David
Mondschein - the winner of the +80 sparring category, Jakub Novotny -
the coach of Boxing Club Ricany, Jan Gavura who took the silver and also
other competitor from Czech and Latvia did a great job. The competition
was closed at 8 PM and from 9.30 PM all the competitors, coaches and
partners met on an after party in SportBar Riviera, where the owner
Jaroslav Wunch prepared a generous snack.

We strongly believe that next year we will achieve at least as good and
great competition as we had this year and we hope in even more
competitors. We also look forward to the support of our traditional
partner - the County of Central Bohemia. In the rich history of this
competition he have welcomed the competitors from Austria, Slovenia,
India, Latvia, Croatia, Ukraine and Algeria. Each year we have more and
more competitors and also the setup is more and more elaborate. The
spirit of this competition is the meeting of the best of the best
competitors and we believe we have fulfilled this goal. Successful
businessmen, celebrities and top-quality competitors - that is the
spirit of Best of the Best and we have once again showcased we are on
the top.

We would like to sincerely thank to the City of Ricany and County of
Central Bohemia for giving us the chance to run the International Best
of the Best Championship for the fourth time.

Watch the official web site of the Championship www.championship.estranky.cz 



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